Food Industry Bioprocessing cover image

Food Industry Bioprocessing

by Huili Jing

ISBN 9781835351345
Copyright Year 2025
Price £170.00
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For a very long time, food production has used bio processing. In reality, Sumerian brewers used bio processing as early as 3,500 B.C. to produce a popular beverage that many people still partake in today. As the name suggests, bio processing involves using live things and their parts to produce new goods. Pharmaceuticals, eco-friendly materials, alternative energies, and even many of the meals we like are frequently produced through bio processing. Fermentation is the process by which microorganisms and their enzymes cause these desired modifications in food materials. Additionally, many of these high-value goods are imported by developing nations for use in food processing. In order to develop and establish systems to produce high quality, safe foods, as well as feeds and other industrial items, in an acceptable manner for the environment and in a sustainable manner, the food, food biocatalists, and bio-processing sectors face significant obstacles. The text is backed up with a tonne of simple, illuminating diagrams. Graduate students and researchers in applied biology, biotechnology, microbiology, and biochemical engineering would find the book to be of great interest.

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