An Introduction to Digital Marketing cover image

An Introduction to Digital Marketing

by Andrew S.

ISBN 9781835350171
Copyright Year 2025
Price £165.00
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The phrase "digital marketing" refers to all forms of marketing that utilise digital technologies, mostly the internet but also including mobile devices, display advertising, and other digital media. Bringing together a global collection of effective digital marketing initiatives, Digital Marketing initiatives in the world evaluates their results and the business lessons they taught. This useful and engaging book examines how companies of all sizes have used social media, blogs, forums, online video, and email to strengthen their brands and draw in clients. Bringing together a global collection of effective digital marketing initiatives, Digital Marketing in the world evaluates their results and the business lessons they taught. This useful and engaging book examines how companies of all sizes have used social media, blogs, forums, online video, and email to strengthen their brands and draw in clients. The goal of this book is to introduce readers to many facets of digital marketing. The book includes a selection of chapters from various Digital Marketing categories. The editors have chosen chapters with great care from comparatively significant and developing areas of Digital.

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