Soil, Water, Plant and Fertilizer: Study of Anatomy cover image

Soil, Water, Plant and Fertilizer: Study of Anatomy

by Sara Rinfret

ISBN 9781835352922
Copyright Year 2025
Price £150.00
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The area of biology known as anatomy is dedicated to the study of an organism's structure and individual parts. It is a field of natural science that examines how living things are structured. The commonly used analytical techniques for soil, water, fertilisers, and manures are presented in this book as a single source. It is primarily intended for use in the instruction of soil chemistry, soil fertility, and fertiliser manufacturing, as well as water quality research. The current study is distinctive in that it incorporates all tried-and-true, commonly-used techniques, together with guiding principles and insightful interpretations for identifying the nutrients in plants, soil, and water that are important for plant growth. This manual lists the equipment required for soil, water, fertiliser, and plant analysis. The book also includes a number of pictures and drawings to help readers grasp the principles. It is an informational encyclopaedia for experts and scholars in this discipline. This book compiles all pertinent technology, both old and new. Every level of student may easily understand and access the content in this book. This book will be useful to readers, professionals, researchers, and students.

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