Farming of Shrimp cover image

Farming of Shrimp

by Robin L.

ISBN 9781835352755
Copyright Year 2025
Price £160.00
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Shrimp farming is an aquaculture enterprise that produces prawns for human consumption in either a marine or freshwater environment. Due to the increasing demand, particularly in the USA, Europe, and Japan, prawn farming has become one of the most significant economic activities in many tropical countries of Asia and Latin America over the past three decades. Exports of prawns greatly boost the national economy, create jobs, and support livelihoods. In recent years, prawns has developed into a large consumer good that contributes significantly to international trade. Since the prawns are frequently kept in ponds that are quite densely populated, diseases can easily spread there. An outbreak almost completely destroyed the aquaculture prawn sector in the late 1980s. Shrimp farming has increased shrimp availability to a hungry, shrimp-loving populace in the U.S., Europe, Japan, and other countries. Profit-driven investors have industrialised farming practises while intensifying farming practises, often at severe environmental cost. The principles and practises of prawn culture at one point in time are described in this book, which also details current conditions.

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