Engineering of Tissue and Plant Renewal cover image

Engineering of Tissue and Plant Renewal

by Oriel M. Taioe

ISBN 9781835352489
Copyright Year 2025
Price £160.00
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The term 'tissue culture' can be used to describe any multicellular culture developing on a solid media that consists of many cells in protoplasmic continuity. A callus that lacks any structural or functional similarity to any tissue of the normal plant body is produced by the cultivation of an explant, which may consist of one or more tissues. Tissue culture is a technique for biological study in which small pieces of animal or plant tissue are placed in an artificial setting where they can continue to live and grow. One cell, a group of cells, an entire organ, or a portion of an organ may make up the cultured tissue. The genetic variety known as somaclonal variation" is proven to be a major source of genetic diversity in plant regeneration from cultured cells. New cultivars have been created from a number of somaclones. The most dependable and quick way to create haploids, which are particularly valuable in plant breeding and genetics, is by plant regeneration from microspore/pollen. The primary result of plant tissue culture, which is founded on the principle of totipotency, is plant regeneration. Organogenesis and somatic embryogenesis can be used to regenerate plants. Organogenesis refers to the development of organs from explants grown in culture. This book serves as a fundamental resource for students, academics, and professionals who are interested in the effects of plants on the environment.

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