Psychology of Organization cover image

Psychology of Organization

by Antonio Damasio

ISBN 9781835350225
Copyright Year 2025
Price £150.00
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The objective investigation of how people behave in groups and at work defines the field of industrial-organizational psychology. The focus of the speciality is on developing general rules of individual, group, and organisational behaviour and using them to solve issues at work. The theoretical underpinnings, an extensive assessment of the literature, and numerous application exercises on all of the important subjects in industrial/organizational psychology are presented in this book. The book's major goal is to assist students in gaining knowledge and abilities that they may use in organisations when they start their professional careers. The book is current in terms of the mentioned sources and suggested readings, and it includes all of the most recent studies in this field. The audience for this book is psychology and management students at the undergraduate and graduate levels. Researchers, professionals, and academics in Psychology will also find it helpful.

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