Psychology of Child cover image

Psychology of Child

by J. lansburg

ISBN 9781835351444
Copyright Year 2025
Price £170.00
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One of psychology's many subfields and one of the subject areas that is most commonly researched is child psychology. This particular field is concerned with how children think and behave from conception through puberty. Child psychology examines not only a child's physical development but also their mental, emotional, and social growth. What part do child psychologists play in assisting kids and how are kids' lives changing? Child psychology is a broad field that studies how people develop from birth through adolescence and tries to explain why these significant changes take place. For example, are 3-year-olds, 7-year-olds, and teenagers different from one another simply because of their experiences with the outside world, or are they different due to biological changes within the individual? One of psychology's many subfields and one of the subject areas that is most commonly researched is child psychology. This particular field is concerned with how children think and behave from conception through puberty. The study of child psychology will surely be beneficial to both students and instructors. It is a great way for ordinary readers to learn about common children's issues and practical remedies.

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