Poultry Farming: Principles and Practices cover image

Poultry Farming: Principles and Practices

by Hermann O' Connell

ISBN 9781835351338
Copyright Year 2025
Price £165.00
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The country's poultry industry has developed steadily over the years, mostly as a result of government research and development initiatives and the organised commercial sector's efficient marketing and administration. Modern technological innovations have helped the chicken industry transition from a wholly unorganised farming practise to a commercial production system. In addition to directly or indirectly employing people, the poultry industry is a valuable resource for many marginal and landless farmers who want to generate side income. Additionally, it offers nutritional security, particularly to rural impoverished people. Different feeding methods can help reduce the possible effects of climate change by utilising new and current local feed supplies. Assessment of the scavengeable feed resource and its effective use are essential for scavenging systems. On-farm combinations should be able to be used as a supplement to scavenging by family poultry farmers that use modest and extensive scavenging systems. For the semi-intensive system, supplementation with locally accessible feedstuffs or commaercial feed as an addition to scavenging can be advised if the market values of the birds or eggs ensure profitability. For students studying poultry science, LPM, economics, extension, and marketing disciplines, this book is a convenient resource.

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