Management of Logistics and Supply Chain cover image

Management of Logistics and Supply Chain

by Julie Davies

ISBN 9781835351772
Copyright Year 2025
Price £165.00
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The goal of logistics management extends beyond only reducing expenses associated with transportation. Inventory levels, packaging, material handling, purchasing, and marketing (sales) decisions are all impacted by logistics decisions, and vice versa. Supply chain management and logistics are sometimes used interchangeably. Some claim that supply chain management is the "new" logistics and that there is no distinction between the two concepts. Logistics is constantly changing and unique. Few company sectors involve the intricacy or geographic range that logistics does. The delivery of goods and services at the right time and place is the focus of logistics. e evolution of logistics, supply chain management, inventory control, purchasing, materials handling, and other functional domains has led to many of these fields' intersections. Some of these concepts, such as supply chain management and logistics, have ambiguous definitions as a result of this intersection. The administration of a network of connected companies that ultimately provides the product and service packages needed by end customers is known as supply chain management (SCM). The book is intended to add to the body of knowledge already available on supply chain management.

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