Education in the Global Age: Policy, Practice and Promise in Emerging Societies cover image

Education in the Global Age: Policy, Practice and Promise in Emerging Societies

by Zhongchao Hao

ISBN 9781835353493
Copyright Year 2025
Price £170.00
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Through the holistic development of each person, education has always been crucial in determining the future of societies. It is the most effective tool for developing social cohesion as well as goals of economic development and technical advancement. Education is a dynamic process that evolves with the socio-political economic climate and rapidly advances knowledge over time. In recent years, there has been a pressing need to rebuild education. A small attempt in this manner is the current book. It conducts a thorough analysis of current problems while revealing connections between education and societal growth in India. The concept and nature of education are briefly described, along with its methodologies, aspects, history, and development. In light of Indian society, it conducts an analytical study of educational trends, procedures, values, and philosophy. It highlights the foundational aspects, purpose, and goals of Indian society. Without a doubt, the book is a reliable source of all educational information. The book is succinct and simply written, with simple vocabulary and a clear style.

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