by Herman Aguinis
ISBN | 9781835351321 |
Publisher | EDTECH PRESS |
Copyright Year | 2025 |
Price | £160.00 |
A characteristic of an object or event is measured when a number is assigned to it so that it can be compared to other things or events. A measurement's scope and application are determined by the discipline and context. Trade, science, technology, and quantitative research across many areas all depend on measurement. To enable comparisons in the various spheres of human existence, numerous measurement systems have existed historically. It focuses on fundamental measuring difficulties and offers a broad, uncomplicated overview. It reviews a wide range of sources, outlines measurement challenges, explains how these problems are tackled, and offers advice on how to locate, assess, and apply information regarding particular tests. With a focus on assisting students and instructors in understanding the concept and theories of the field and developing their expertise in both teaching and learning, this book introduces the broad discipline of measurement and evaluation in psychology and education. The book will be an invaluable resource for teachers, teacher candidates, and other professionals working in the psychology and education fields at all levels.