• Medicinal Plant Biotechnology

Medicinal Plant Biotechnology Reagan Knox

  • ISBN: 9781788822183
  • Edition: 1st
  • ©Year: 2020

  • List Price : 165

About the Book

Plant-based medicines assume a critical part in all societies, and have been fundamental in keeping up wellbeing and battling infections.The distinguishing proof of dynamic standards and their sub-atomic focuses from customary prescription gives a huge chance to sedate advancement. Utilizing present day biotechnology, plants with particular synthetic syntheses can be mass spread and hereditarily enhanced for the extraction of mass dynamic pharmaceuticals. In spite of the fact that there has been noteworthy advance in the utilization of biotechnology, utilizing tissue societies and hereditary change to research and modify pathways for the biosynthesis of target metabolites, there are many difficulties associated with bringing plants from the lab to effective plug development. This book shows the most recent advances in the improvement of restorative medications, including points, for example, plant tissue societies, optional metabolite generation, metabolomics, metabolic building, bioinformatics and future biotechnological bearings. This special review of plants and transgenic systems of extraordinary logical, therapeutic and financial incentive for both industry and the scholarly community covers the entire range from cell culture methods, by means of hereditary designing and auxiliary item digestion up to the utilization of transgenic plants forthe generation of bioactive mixes.


Contents: 1. Introduction, 2. Introduction to Medicinal Plants, 3. Plant Diseases and Its Prevention, 4. Medicinal Plants and Herbs, 5. Cultivation Practices of Medicinal Plants, 6. Herbal Medicinal Plant and Drugs, 7. Industrial Utilisation of Medicinal Plants, 8. Policies for Medicinal Plants and Herbs, 9. Conservation Strategies of Medicinal Plants, 10. Quality Control of Plant Based Medicines, 11. Recent Advances in Medicinal Plant Biotechnology.
Reagan Knox received his B.Sc. in Plant Science and his Ph.D. in Plant Biology. His areas of specialization are ecology and management of soil borne pathogens, Plant Biotechnology Techniques, Medicinal Plant Biotechnology, Biotechnology in Medicinal and Aromatic Plants. He has published over 76 research paper and reviews in national and international papers. Currently; He is a Professor of Biology Emeritus in the Department of Molecular, Cellular, and Developmental. His prolific scholarly activity includes 13 journal articles, 25 invited or refereed presentations, and 8 books and manuals. He has also earned several awards for his commitment to service.

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