• Advanced Differential Equations

Advanced Differential Equations Ali Mason

  • ISBN: 9781788822992
  • Edition: 1st
  • ©Year: 2020

  • List Price : 160

About the Book

Advanced differential equations appear in several applications especially as mathematical models in economics, an advanced term may for example reflect the dependency on anticipated capital stock. This book also deals with non-oscillation properties of scalar advanced differential equations. Some new oscillation and non-oscillation criteria are given for linear delay or advanced differential equations with variable coefficients and not necessarily constant delays or advanced arguments. The present book has been written in the light of the latest syllabi of several Universities. The subject matter has been presented in such a way that it is easily accessible to students. The method of presentation is very clear and lucid which can be easily followed by the students. The contents conform to the specified syllabi and are so structured as to enable the student to move easily from the fundamental to the complex. It is our earnest hope that this book will be of great value to all our students.  


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