An Introduction to Optical Fibers Telecommunications cover image

An Introduction to Optical Fibers Telecommunications

by G.B. Clayton

ISBN 9781835351154
Copyright Year 2025
Price £155.00
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This book is divided into 12 parts to allow for a logical flow of information and to make issues easily accessible by giving the necessary context and theoretical backing. Chapter 1 provides a brief overview of optical fibre communications by examining the technology's historical development, overall system, and key benefits. The quality of services and tele-communications issues also covered. The concept of optical fibre as a transmission medium is explained in Chapters using a straightforward ray theory technique. The electromagnetic wave theory as it applies to optical fibres is discussed after that, and then consideration of lightwave transmission within the various fibre types follows. Single-mode fibre in particular, as well as a more contemporary form of micro-structured optical fibre is mentioned. Then, it discusses the primary optical fibre transmission properties. In this third edition, there is a renewed emphasis on the properties and features of single-mode fibres, including a more in-depth study of the many types of single-mode fibre, polarisation mode dispersion, nonlinear effects, and in particular, soliton propagation. The various transmission and switching techniques are covered. Also talk about the various voices telephony transmission elements. The light sources used in optical fibre communications are described in Chapters.

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