by Serope K.
ISBN | 9781835352984 |
Publisher | EDTECH PRESS |
Copyright Year | 2025 |
Price | £165.00 |
The foundation of the information technologies that permeate almost every area of modern life is microelectronics. The impact of microelectronics on the second half of the 20th century is difficult to compare to that of any other branch of science or technology. Every year, the microelectronics industry is able to produce transistors, circuits, and devices that are smaller, faster, more affordable, and of higher quality. More and more of these transistors may be crammed onto a chip as transistors get smaller and faster, allowing circuits to store and process more data. Analogue components are used to create digital circuits. The design must ensure that the components' analogue nature does not trump the anticipated digital behaviour. A grouping of transistorsóelectrically controlled switchesóis referred to as a logic gate. Each logic symbol has a unique shape to represent it. This book is written for graduate students and advanced undergraduates who have a foundation in basic electronics, including biassing, modelling, circuit analysis, and frequency response.