An Introduction to Adapted Physical Education and Sports cover image

An Introduction to Adapted Physical Education and Sports

by Walter Gruenberg

ISBN 9781835353318
Copyright Year 2025
Price £155.00
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Physical education is a subject taught in schools. It is often referred to as gym, PE, or Phys Ed. It emphasises psychomotor learning in a play or movement exploration setting and is taught in elementary and secondary education with the goal of promoting health and physical fitness. Young people's holistic development depends on physical activity, which supports their physical, social, and emotional well-being. Sport has advantages beyond its positive effects on physical health, and its educational advantages are important and shouldn't be undervalued. Sport and physical education are essential to children and youth's early development, and the lessons taught via play, physical education, and sport help young people develop holistically. Young people learn through engagement in sport and physical education. Adding this element of joy to the academic focus of schools is one of physical education's key goals. The goal of physical education is to give kids time each day to engage in some form of physical activity. Sports science, often known as sports and exercise science, is interested in how the human body works while exercising. It investigates how exercise and sports affect the body's general health and functionality. Anatomy, biokinetics, sport psychology, exercise physiology, and other fields are all integrated in this field. The book is meant to serve as a constant companion and guide for people with disabilities, their teachers, and ordinary readers.

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