Print Media and Broadcast Journalism Cameron Keith
- ISBN: 9781788823890
- Edition: 1st
- ©Year: 2020
- List Price : 140
About the Book
Broadcast Journalism is increasingly attracting young men and women who take up the subject for intensive study in schools of journalism in the universities and in institutions of mass communication. In fact media are concerned with various forms into which the message is placed, written and oral, as used for transmitting messages. This book presents a vivid account of the art of mass media and journalism. Certainly this will prove an ideal handbook for learners, aspirants and working journalists. Modem mass media & journalism has reached the state of electronic age. All latest developments are categorically described in this book. Today, media-related programmers, departments, schools, and colleges go by such names as journalism, journalism and mass communication, mass media, media studies, communications, communication and mass media, and a variety of other names. The book is written in a simple style and makes it easy for both the fresh entrant and the practitioner of the craft to understand what the author propounds. It covers all aspects of newswriting for the broadcast media and emphasises the need to understand the point of the audience.
Contents: 1. Introduction, 2. Characteristics of Print Media, 3. Global Media, 4. Changing Reporting Environment in the New Millennium, 5. The Newspaper's Responsibility in the New Millennium, 6. Broadcast Journalism, 7. Journalist Perceptions in 21 st Century, 8. Mounting Communication and ProfessionalTalent.
Cameron Keith did his Master in Journalism and Mass Communication. He has 11 years of experience both with first class print and audio-visual news media as a Senior Journalist at national level. He spent five years with TV News and became Channel Head. He has held senior positions in the field of journalism. As a journalist, he has covered many national and international events. He also attended South-Asia Workshop on Television Journalism. He worked as a journalist in national and international level. He has over ten years of experience with Department of Journalism and Mass Communication.