Psychology and Crime cover image

Psychology and Crime

by Fletcher Patrick

ISBN 9781835357361
Copyright Year 2025
Price £165.00
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Crime imposes significant costs on society, both financially through funding courts, police, and prisons, and emotionally through pain, fear, and loss. Criminal psychology emerged in the late 18th century, evolving from philosophical, medical, legal, and biological perspectives. It addressed conflicts in criminal law regarding how to assess suspects, leading to specialized investigations. Criminal psychology preceded criminology, focusing on individual assessments within legal contexts. Criminal psychologists serve as expert witnesses and assessors in courts, bridging psychiatry and behavioral aspects of criminal behavior. Criminal behavior encompasses actions punishable by law, considered immoral, or violating societal norms, often seen as antisocial. "Psychology and Crime" is an essential resource for students in psychology, criminology, and related fields, and for professionals in the criminal justice system.

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