C++ Programming for Object Orientation cover image

C++ Programming for Object Orientation

by Rae Earnshaw

ISBN 9781835352687
Copyright Year 2025
Price £165.00
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To introduce the idea of object orientation to the C programming language is the main goal of C++ programming. The paradigm of object-oriented programming offers numerous ideas, including polymorphism, inheritance, and data binding. There are various ways that procedural programming languages like C and Pascal and object-oriented programming are distinct from one another. "Objects" is the umbrella term for everything in OOPs. Sending messages to objects is how OOPs is done in its basic form. Overloading refers to giving many definitions of something. Function overloading entails defining different functions with the same name but different signatures. Inheritance is a crucial aspect of C++ classes. A Class in C++ is the fundamental unit of Object-Oriented programming. It is a user-defined data type that may be utilised by creating an instance of the class in order to access and use its data members and member functions. A class functions as an object's blueprint. One of the most fundamental and significant components of C++ object-oriented programming is data abstraction. Abstraction refers to hiding the intricacies and presenting simply the most important facts. Data abstraction is the process of exposing to the outside world only the information that is absolutely necessary while concealing implementation or background information. This book is intended to aid students in comprehending the principles underlying OOP and cultivating the ability to select the appropriate OOP tools for a given situation.

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