An Overview of Graphics and Multimeida in Computer cover image

An Overview of Graphics and Multimeida in Computer

by zhigang

ISBN 9781835353486
Copyright Year 2025
Price £165.00
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Today, graphics and multimedia are perhaps the computer-related technologies that get the most attention. These days, the majority of computer-based apps use this technology to close the communication gap between a human user and the machine. Multiple media are integrated and utilised in computer-based applications in this way to improve their ability to be understood by the average person. Text, sound, video, graphics, animation, etc. are all included in this variety of media. Computer accessing graphics requires technology. Information is changed and presented visually by the Process. Computer graphics are now a widespread component of user interfaces and commercial motion pictures on television and the internet. The use of visuals in simulation improves the realism and accessibility of mathematical models and mechanical systems. The production of animated films and cartoons was demonstrated by the interactive visuals supported by animation software. The tools that computer graphics offer have undergone significant growth. This enables users to produce artistic images that convey messages and grab attention. Such images are excellent for advertising. Computers with multimedia capabilities may easily incorporate a variety of material, including text, images, graphics, audio, and video. Users can access the information that the multimedia computer system saves, depict, processes, manipulates, and makes available. The many principles of these media and how they are implemented in computer-based applications will be introduced to the students through this book. Additionally, this will familiarise the students with different multimedia implementation methods, such as data compression, and different multimedia standards.

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